Director Ya-Chuan Hsiao 蕭雅全 | Executive Producer Hsiao-Hsien Hou 侯孝賢 | 2017 | 115 mins | 18+
2018 Taipei Film Festival Best Director, Best Original Score, Best Art Direction 台北電影節- 最佳導演、最佳電影配樂、最佳美術設計獎
2018 International Film Festival Rotterdam Big Screen Competition 鹿特丹影展-正式競賽片
Beautifully made, with a stunning soundtrack and artful cinematography, Father to Son is not to be missed. 60 year-old Pao-Te Van finds himself suffering from a serious illness. Instead of getting treatment, he decides to go to Japan to look for traces of his father who abandoned him 50 years ago. At the same time, a young man from Hong Kong who is mysteriously related to Pao-Te’s past comes to Taiwan. Two unknown journeys of self-reconciliation begin. Produced by Taiwanese auteur Hsiao-Hsien Hou and directed by Ya-Chuan Hsiao, the film sketches a circle of evolution in a human drama that explores stories from the past, which hide in the future.
六十歲的范保德(黃仲崑 飾)在發現自己生病後,決定前往日本尋找五十年前拋家棄子的父親,他的兒子(傅孟柏 飾)也參與了父親的尋父之旅。同時,一名香港的年輕人被范保德尋父之旅牽動,因而來到了台灣,卻發現了更多關於這段過去的內幕...?而兩段自我和解的未知旅程也就此展開。 《范保德》是導演蕭雅全的第三部電影長片,已入選2018年第47屆荷蘭鹿特丹國際影展「大銀幕獎」正式競賽片,並獲選為2018年台北電影節開幕片。《范保德》道出兩代之間血濃於水,卻又微妙難喻的親情,不但談及父子、家庭,更喻示了台灣的歷史。這是個尋父的故事,既是尋找源頭,也是尋找未來的故事。