Closing Time
Director Nicole Voögele | 2018 | 116 mins | UNCL G
Awards 獎項
2018 Locarno International Film Festival - Special Jury Prize, Filmmakers of the Present
第71屆盧卡諾影展 - 評審團特別獎
2018 Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival
2018 阿姆斯特丹紀錄片影展
2018 Montreal International Documentary Festival
2018 蒙特婁紀錄片影展
Hybrid cinema and music combine into a kaleidoscopic world of poetic imagery in Nicole Voögele’s Closing Time. Filmed in super 16mm, Voögele captures life after dark in Taiwan, accompanied with soundscapes by composer and musician Alva Noto (The Revenant, Two Live at the Sydney Opera House).
Mr. Kuo and his wife Mrs. Lin cook for the city’s sleepless. They work all night and sleep during the day, like many others in buzzing Taipei. Until one morning, riding back from the market, Mr. Kuo takes a different exit on the highway… Closing Time is a cinematographic meditation on in- between moments – an attempt at capturing time, an exercise in just seeing.
瑞士導演 Nicole Voögele用超16毫米膠捲,細膩觀察台北深夜的庶民生活。充滿詩意構圖的畫面,加上《神鬼獵人》配樂師Alva Noto的電子實驗曲風,大師級的結合,將整部電影的風格美學烘托得恰到好處。