Father to Son
Director Hsiao Ya-Chuan 蕭雅全 | 2017 | 116mins | UNCL 15+
Awards 獎項
2018 Taipei Film Festival - Best Director, Best Original Score, Best Production Design
第20屆台北電影節 - 最佳導演、最佳配樂、最佳美術設計
2018 International Film Festival Rotterdam - Big Screen Competition
第47屆鹿特丹國際影展 - 大銀幕競賽
2018 Sao Paulo International Film Festival - The International Perspective
巴西聖保羅電影節 - 國際觀摩單元
Father to Son featured as the closing film for the first Taiwan Film Festival in Australia. This unforgettable film, rendered in both colour and monochrome, also features a beautiful soundtrack by prize-winning composers' Summer Lei and Chris Hou.
60 year-old Pao-Te Van finds himself suffering from a serious illness. Instead of getting treatment, he decides to go to Japan to look for traces of his father who abandoned him 50 years ago. At the same time, a young man from Hong Kong who is mysteriously related to Pao-Te’s past comes to Taiwan.
年邁六十的范保德(黃仲崑 飾)得知自己生病後,藉故前往日本,陪伴同行的兒子范大齊(傅孟柏 飾),旅程中才意識到這是一趟父親的尋父之旅。兒時父親離家,讓范保德長期活在痛苦下,范保德努力克制,不願重蹈覆轍父親走過的路。當死亡逼近,父親與兒子成為他心中最大的掛念。
Filmmaker in Focus: Hsiao Ya-Chuan 焦點影人|蕭雅全
Born in 1967, Hsiao Ya-Chuan began making short films at 21 years old, before entering the advertising industry. In the late eighties, he received a request to shoot a music video from fellow filmmaker Hou Hsiao-Hsien (The Assassin, Millennium Mambo), leading to a life-long friendship. Hsiao served as Hou’s assistant director for Flowers of Shanghai (1998) and later directed his first feature, Mirror Image (2000). Mirror Image enjoyed a successful international festival tour, featuring at Cannes, Torino, Vancouver International Film Festival, and more.