《女朋友 男朋友》
Director Yang Ya-Che 楊雅喆 | 2012 | 105 mins | UNCL 15+
Awards 獎項
2012 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival - Best Leading Actress, Audience Choice Award
第49屆金馬獎 - 最佳女主角、觀眾票選最佳影片
2012 Taipei Film Festival - Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Press Award
第14屆台北電影節 - 最佳男主角、最佳男配角、媒體推薦獎
GF*BF is an impressive film from the oeuvre of Yang Ya-Che, award-winning director of The Bold, the Corrupt and the Beautiful (TWFF 2018). It traces the friendship of three childhood friends across a tumultuous time in Taiwan’s history.
A social revolution is sweeping through 1980s Taiwan while a love triangle disrupts the friendship between young freedom fighters Mabel, Aaron and Liam. As they grow into adults, they leave their youthful ideals behind but continue to search for love. Mabel finds herself becoming the other woman in Aaron's marriage, while Liam gets caught up in an affair with a married man. Given the opportunity to reconnect, will they ever be able to rebuild their friendship?
楊雅喆的經典長片作品《女朋友 男朋友》,以歷史事件野百合學運為背景,描繪了大時代下的青年學子以不同樣貌走過這三十年的風起雲湧,更喚起台灣90年代的集體記憶。女主角桂綸鎂的精湛演出,更奪下了金馬影后的頭銜。
解嚴前夕,台灣社會對於自由、民主的渴望達到巔峰,情竇初開的躁動高中生也毫不遜色,放蕩不羈的阿仁(鳳小岳 飾)愛著美寶(桂綸鎂 飾),率性而為的美寶心繫阿良(張孝全 飾),沈穩木訥的阿良卻漸漸在意起阿仁,時光流轉三十年,當激昂青春褪去,再度相遇的他們,能重拾當年的勇氣嗎?