Mirror Image
Director Hsiao Ya-Chuan 蕭雅全 | 2000 | 75mins | UNCL 15+
Awards 獎項
2001 Cannes International Film Festival - Directors' Fortnight
第54屆坎城影展 - 導演雙週
2000 Taipei Film Festival - Best Film, Best New Director
第3屆台北電影節 - 最佳影片、最佳新導演獎
2001 Torino Film Festival - Best First Feature
第19屆義大利都靈影展 - 最佳處女作
Could destiny literally in the palm of our hands? Hsiao’s playful debut film Mirror Image marked his arrival as a distinct voice in Taiwanese cinema and was featured at various international film festivals, including Cannes. It also won Best Film and Best New Director at Taipei Film Festival.
Tung-Ching, a pawn shop owner’s son, gets into a motorbike accident that scratched off his palm print. When his life takes a drastic turn, his girlfriend Eiko, a palm-reading enthusiast, is convinced that he needs to retrieve his palm print to take back control of his life.
因車禍失去掌紋的東清(李俊桀 飾),彷彿人生從此不再受限,卻因父親中風住院,東清必須掌管家業,成天跟女友(范筱梵 飾)受困在小當鋪,翻玩店內古物,研究客人掌紋,直到一名叫做「曉得了」的女子(王沛萁 飾)來到店裡......。
Filmmaker in Focus: Hsiao Ya-Chuan 焦點影人|蕭雅全
Born in 1967, Hsiao Ya-Chuan began making short films at 21 years old, before entering the advertising industry. In the late eighties, he received a request to shoot a music video from fellow filmmaker Hou Hsiao-Hsien (The Assassin, Millennium Mambo), leading to a life-long friendship. Hsiao served as Hou’s assistant director for Flowers of Shanghai (1998) and later directed his first feature, Mirror Image (2000). Mirror Image enjoyed a successful international festival tour, featuring at Cannes, Torino, Vancouver International Film Festival, and more.