Director Chang Tso-Chi 張作驥 | 2019 | 116 mins | UNCL 15+
Awards 獎項
2019 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival - Nominated for Best Director, Best Leading Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Visual Effects
第56屆金馬獎 - 入圍最佳導演、最佳女主角、最佳男配角、最佳視覺效果
2020 Taipei Film Festival - Nominated for Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress
第22屆台北電影節 - 入圍最佳女主角、最佳男配角、最佳女配角
2020 International Film Festival Rotterdam - Big Screen Competition
第49屆鹿特丹國際影展 - 大銀幕競賽
Award-winning director Chang Tso-Chi (Thanatos, Drunk) latest work Synapses the complexity of three generalation’s relation under one roof. Selected into Rotterdam Big Screen Competition, Synapses’s smooth transactions and stunning chiaroscuro on each frame are truly sensational.
Nine-year-old Ah-Quan and his uncle and grandparents make a living performing Taiwanese opera for all sorts of occasions. A dark cloud gradually casts a shadow over the family when their grandfather is diagnosed with Alzheimers. Amidst growing desperation, Ah-Quan’s mother suddenly returns from prison...
從小學生阿全(李英詮 飾)的視角看一個疏離的家庭,母親小夢(李夢 飾)剛假釋出獄,未曾謀面的父親阿文(蘇俊忠 飾)猝不及防地出現,爺爺軍雄(張曉雄 飾)被診斷出阿茲海默症,身為家中支柱的奶奶王鳳(呂雪鳳 飾)也瀕臨崩潰邊緣,一場家庭風暴逐漸成形......。