Directed by Hsiao Ya-Chuan 蕭雅全 | 2023 | 112 mins | UNCL G
In Mandarin, with Chinese and English subtitles
Awards 獎項
2023 Golden Horse Awards — Best Director, Best Original Film Score, Best Supporting Actor, and Best Makeup & Costume Design
第60屆金馬影展 — 最佳導演、最佳原創電影音樂、最佳男配角、最佳造型設計
2024 Udine Far East Film Festival — Official Competition
第26屆義大利烏迪內遠東國際影展 — 入圍競賽單元
2023 Tokyo International Film Festival
2024 Hong Kong International Film Festival
2024 Taipei Film Festival — with 10 nomination
第26屆台北電影獎 — 入圍十項大獎
2024 Taiwan Film Critics Society — Best Feature, Best Director, and Best Script
第五屆台灣影評人協會 — 最佳影片、最佳導演、最佳劇本
Set in 1980s Taiwan, this visually stunning, award-winning film captures the era's economic optimism and ambitious dreams, which can easily crumble when the game changes. Winner of four Golden Horse Awards, including Best Director.
Director Hsiao Ya-Chuan returns with another poignant poetic masterpiece exploring the complex of family relationships as well as the society's economic structure. Intricately edited and beautifully written, OLD FOX skilfully weaves together the idyllic nostalgia and tense uncertainties that surrounded a 1980s childhood.
In 1989, eleven-year-old Liao Jie lived a frugal life with his father, saving every penny for their dreams of buying a house. However, under the volatile Taiwanese economy, their goal slips further and further away, until one fateful day, Liao Jie unexpectedly befriends their cunning landlord, the “Old Fox”. His friendship with the Old Fox allows him to taste the power wealth brings, and as his desperation for his dream grows, Liao Jie must grapple with the reality of his honest life with his poor father, and the deceitful but rewarding ways of an “Old Fox”.
1989年,除了國際政治時局變動之外,股市前景看好,物價也隨之倍漲。在台灣的某個角落,小男孩廖界(白潤音 飾)和父親泰來(劉冠廷 飾)相依為命,卻始終達不到購置新房的夢想,人稱「老狐狸」的房東謝老闆(陳慕義 飾)出現,讓廖界的命運輪盤,開始在財富和善良之間轉動。
SYD: THU 25 JULY | 7:00PM
CBR: SUN 4 AUG | 3:45PM
BNE: SAT 10 AUG | 1:00PM
HBA: SUN 25 AUG | 3:45PM
ADL: SUN 1 SEP | 2:00PM
MEL: THU 5 SEP | 7:00PM
About Hsiao Ya-Chuan 蕭雅全 導演介紹
Born in 1967, Hsiao Ya-Chuan began making short films at 21 years old, before entering the advertising industry. In the late eighties, he received a request to shoot a music video from fellow filmmaker Hou Hsiao-Hsien (The Assassin, Millennium Mambo), leading to a life-long friendship. Hsiao served as Hou’s assistant director for Flowers of Shanghai (1998) and later directed his first feature, Mirror Image (2000). Mirror Image enjoyed a successful international festival tour, featuring at Cannes, Torino, Vancouver International Film Festival, and more.