15 February 2022 Tuesday 6.30 pm
at Thai Nesia Restaurant (243 Oxford St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010)
於 Thai Nesia 餐廳舉辦 (243 Oxford St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010)
Cost: $55 per person, BYO allowed.
This is a sit-down dinner event and will run in English.
The event will follow the latest NSW Government COVID-19 restrictions.
此活動將遵循新南威爾士州政府最新的 COVID-19 限制。
Guest Speaker: Ari Larissa Heinrich
Heinrich received a master’s in Chinese literature from Harvard University and a Ph.D. in Chinese studies from the University of California at Berkeley. He is best known for his academic writing on contemporary art and aesthetics, history of medicine, and queer studies. Heinrich also works in the translations of queer literature from Taiwan in the late 20th century, such as Qiu Miaojin’s Last Words from Montmartre (NYRB, 2014) and Chi Ta-Wei’s The Membranes (Columbia University Press, 2021).
韓瑞擁有哈佛大學中國文學碩士學位和美國加州大學伯克利分校中國文學研究博士學位,曾發表過多篇學術著作,研究探討當代藝術與美學,醫學史和酷兒研究。目前任教於澳洲國立大學中國文學與媒體系,研究實驗藝術寫作、酷兒和思辨小說等。韓瑞以對二十世紀末台灣酷兒文學經典的翻譯而著稱,如邱妙津的《蒙馬特遺書》和紀大偉老師的 《膜》。
Guest Speaker: Thomas Baudinette
Baudinette is a cultural anthropologist whose work focuses on how gender and sexuality impacts popular cultures among queer communities in Japan. His study includes the exploration of the pan-Asian "idol" celebrity and the transnational spread of Boys Love media fandom in South Korea, Thailand and the Philippines. His first book, Regimes of Desire: Young Gay Men, Media, and Masculinity in Tokyo, will be published by the University of Michigan Press in late 2021.
文化人類學家柏糖木 (Thomas Baudinette) 任教於麥考瑞大學國際研究系,研究主流文化在日本酷兒社會中對於性和性別的影響、泛亞細亞主義(Pan-Asianism) 中的偶像社會,以及在韓國、泰國和菲律賓社會中的耽美文化(BL)。他的第一本書 《Regimes of Desire: Young Gay Men, Media, and Masculinity in Tokyo》 將於 2021 年底由美國密西根大學出版社出版。