A legendary young leader/activist/creator/thinker is rising from Taiwan, Audrey Tang, who is the driving force behind many successes in Taiwan even during this pandemic period.
From the documentary, Our Youth in Taiwan, shows the Sunflower Student Movement in 2014, which Audrey and G0V.tw actually played a key part in the movement. G0V.tw set up the video and text streaming, to update the status constantly in the main Legislative assembly hall during the movement. It allowed the students to consolidate information flowing to the people outside as well.
"G0V.tw is an online community that pushes information transparency, focusing on developing information platform and tools for the citizens to participate in society", a statement from G0V.tw.
6 years after the Sunflower Student Movement, Audrey is now the Digital Minister with the goal of information transparency. Together with the team, they developed apps called eMask in Taiwan, and the Name-Based Mask Distribution System for foreigners in Taiwan. Those apps allow the user to track down where to purchase, and the remaining quantities of masks in each store. To reduce panic buying, those apps link with the user's national ID to limit the amount of how many a person can buy to avoid over-purchasing.
“The policies of a 38-year-old genius minister with an IQ of 180” praised by the media. As a kid, Audrey not only self-taught on coding, programming, but started her business at the age of 16. Audrey strongly believes in individualism, diversity, and transparency.
The contribution from Audrey Tang certainly plays a significant role in the 21st century, plus many more to come in the foreseeable future.
Read more about Audrey Tang on VICE.
當澳洲 COVID-19 確診人數已突破六千人大關,與中國緊鄰的台灣何以抑制在四百人以下?今天來聊聊一位來自台灣的幕後功臣,#唐鳳。
去年 #雪梨台灣影展 介紹了 《我們的青春,在台灣》,這部發生在 2014 年的太陽花學運紀錄片,當時包括唐鳳在內的零時政府,在佔領運動期間於立法院內架設直播鏡頭,讓學生得以用文字與影像,不間斷的交換立法院場內外情況,讓資訊最大透明化。
十四歲自學程式設計,十六歲創業,被外媒譽為「38歲 IQ180 台灣天才大臣」的唐鳳,對性別認同有自己的見解。她在法國媒體《新觀察家》的訪談中表示,「在性別爭論中我不選邊站。並不是說我認為這個議題不重要,而是我認為爭論不能解決任何問題。」
參考報導二:被日媒盛讚的台灣官員 在數位政委之前的唐鳳...
Written by Fiona Kuo