Do you enjoy watching some Taiwanese TV series? There are heaps on Netflix you can entertain yourself during this Christmas holiday includes On Children, Days We Stared at the Sun, A Touch of Green, Wake Up, and A Taiwanese Tale of Two Cities.
This year, Netflix has also announced to produce the first mandarin language original series, Nowhere Man, with director Chen Yin-jung (Formula 17). Nowhere Man features various well known actors and actresses like Mavis Fan, Bo-Chieh Wang, Alyssa Chia, and many more. The whole shooting is going to take place in Taiwan and expect to have 8 episodes in the first series.

在Netflix也可以看到台灣影劇作品囉!其中包含《你的孩子不是你的孩子 On Children》、《他們在畢業的前一天爆炸 Days We Stared at the Sun》、《一把青 A Touch of Green》、《麻醉風暴 Wake Up》、《雙城故事 A Taiwanese Tale of Two Cities》等。

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