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OzAsia Festival in Adelaide 2019

Photo Source: OzAsia Festival

Are you ready for OzAsiaFestival in Adelaide?! We are so excited to see so many artists from Taiwan are in this year's program. Here are some of the highlights for you!

2019年澳洲-阿得雷德亞洲節慶 (OzAsia Festival),今年節目邀請了五位來自台灣的藝術家、樂手和劇團 。閱讀底下文章,我們將一一介紹給大家喔!


Photo Source: 表演工作訪

25 & 26 Oct– The Village, by theatre directors and playwrights Stan Lai and Wei-Zhong Wang (aka the theatre producer for Crazy Mad TV). A masterful and compassionate production that depicts the true, moving history of Taiwan. This theatre will perform in Mandarin with English subtitles. Book Now.



Photo Source: 鍾玉鳳 Yu-Feng Chung

26 & 27 Oct– Fade To Blue, a collaborative project between Taipei-based pipa player Yu-Feng Chung and guitarist David Chen. Yu-Feng has won Best Stylish Album in 2016 and Best Musician 2018 at Golden Indie Music Awards. Using the traditional instrument Pipa but play it like the legendary B.B King. It's a fantastic cross-cultural and genres with very talented artists. More about this event.

10月25、26日:琵琶手 鍾玉鳳與吉他手 David Chen 組合的藍調吉他計畫《藍。掉 Fade to Blue》。入圍多項大獎的鍾玉鳳,在2016年《金音獎》榮獲最佳風格類型專輯和2018年榮獲最佳風格類型專輯和最佳樂手。中西合併的曲風,獲得多國樂評的認可與重視。曾經在德國與希臘舉辦獨奏會,且受邀至德國世界名族音樂節 (Rudolstadt Festival)表演。喜歡音樂的觀眾們,千萬別錯過這項表演喔!官網活動連結。


Photo Source:

31 Oct - 1 Dec– Sonic Blossom by Ming-Wei Lee (Taiwanese-American artist based in Paris and New York). His works have travelled around the world including South Korea, USA, Japan, New Zealand, France and many more. "It's a very intimate moment between these two people (the singer and the listener) but extremely charged," said Ming-Wei Lee. More about this exhibiton.

10月31 至 12月1日: 藝術家李明維《聲之綻》。《聲之綻》是個互動性的觀念藝術表演,由演唱者遊走美術館,尋找願意停下腳步且聆聽一首獻唱的觀眾。藝術家李明維的個展包跨紐約現代美術館、洛杉磯郡立美術館、昆士蘭現代美術館等多國美術館。也曾參與多項國際展覽包跨台北雙年展、第50屆威尼斯雙年展台灣館和第18屆雪梨雙年展等。官網活動連結。


Photo Source: Hui-Yu Su

17 Oct- 29 Nov– The Glamorous Boys of Tang directed by Hui-Yu Su, selected for Ammodo Tiger Short Competiton at International Film Festival Rotterdam and Frameline. This short film will be presented with four-channel installation. It's a pickup of the cult classic of the same-titled from 1985 by Kang-Chien Chui. Without any censorship and restrictions, Director Su wants to fully presents the exorcism, homoerotic fantasy and more about this film. More about this exhibiton.

10月17 至 11月29日:影像媒體藝術家、導演蘇匯宇《唐朝綺麗男》。同名原作《唐朝綺麗男》由導演邱剛健在1985年拍攝完成。根據原本劇本,原作有多幕場景被刪減或是無法精細的描寫出來。三十年後,導演蘇匯宇透過新的資源與技術,補拍原版當時失去的畫面與故事。本作品入圍《鹿特丹影展-金虎短片競賽》和《美國舊金山同志影展 》。官網活動連結


Photo Source: Joyce Ho

17Oct- 22 Nov– Still by Joyce Ho who has worked as a scriptwriter and theatre director. Her works open up where mistakes, errors and imperfections are allowed not only to exist but to evolve into unexpected stories. Her works have exhibited in the various gallery include Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Busan Museum of Art, Queensland Art Gallery and Gallery of Modern Art and more. Click to read more about Joyce Ho.

10月17 至 11月22日:藝術家何采柔《Still, 靜》。曾擔任劇場編劇與導演的何采柔,作品系列表示著生活上的誤差與差錯,不但是生活中一部分。也是跨越界線的旅程中,不可或缺的一個重要角色。藝術家何采柔曾參與昆士蘭藝術博物館與現代藝術博物館、釜山雙年展亞洲特別策劃展、國立台灣美術館等。官網活動連結。



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