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QAGOMA Asia Pacific Triennial Cinema – Dir Tsai Ming-liang

Tsia Ming Liang
Image source from QAGOMA

Brisbane! The QAGOMA Asia Pacific Triennial Cinema is now on until 22 December 2024. This year’s spotlight features one of the legends of Slow Cinema, Taiwan-based Malaysian filmmaker Tsai Ming-Liang.

Director Tsai will join us for an exclusive in-person conversation on Sunday, 1 December, at QAGOMA. Secure your spot now: Book tickets here: 

A selection of 46 of his films will be showcased for free at QAGOMA, including 11 titles from his acclaimed Walker series, such as WANDERING (2021), WHERE (2022) and ABIDING NOWHERE (2024). (See the full list below). 

"Director Tsai mentioned in an interview with The News Lens that the Walker series served as a lifeline for him during a period of feeling overwhelmed by the film industry and uncertain about his future. Inspired by his admiration for Lee Kang-sheng’s physique and movements, Tsai decided to film him doing nothing but walking. This concept draws parallels to the 7th-century Tang Dynasty monk Xuanzang (玄奘), who journeyed across vast deserts and endured countless hardships to bring back Buddhist scriptures." — translated from the original internview from The News Lens.

Additionally, audiences can revisit many celebrated works previously screened at the Taiwan Film Festival in Australia: THE RIVER (1997), Fish, Underground (also known as A Conversation with God, 2001), YOUR FACE (2019), DAYS (2020) and THE MOON AND THE TREE (2021).

"My works are diary-like, recording my own journey and emotions. Each decade brings a certain feeling and realization that reflects back in the work from that period. My films are nothing like genre films; they are all very individual. Along the way, there was a turning point, which came when I made Goodbye, Dragon Inn (2003)."–– translated from the original interview from Vogue Taiwan, written by Nicole Lee.


Tsai Ming Liang
Image source from QAGOMA

布里斯本! QAGOMA 昆士蘭美術館|現代藝術畫廊的「亞太三年展」,正式開跑!戲院放映活動將持續至2024年12月22日。今年電影節系列的焦點聚焦於慢電影傳奇人物——旅居台灣的馬來西亞導演蔡明亮。


展期美術館也將免費展映46部蔡明亮導演的作品,包括踏片了八個城市的「行者」系列的《漫不經心》(2021)、《何處》 (2022)、《無所住》 (2024)等多部作品,完整名單底下列出。

「「拍攝就像取經」的行為,其實是沒有開始,也沒有結束的旅途,如同玄奘,只能行走——真正的精神、概念倒非「目的」,而在於「行走」。因此,蔡明亮也言:「當玄奘踏上沙漠,目的性就消失了。」《行者》系列就是沒有目的(終點)的行走,而徒步慢行,這種與時代迅速更迭相違背的行動,恰恰是玄奘、蔡明亮的叛逆。」 ——溫溫凱/地下電影|關鍵評論 【關鍵專訪】

此外,觀眾還可重溫曾於澳洲台灣影展放映的多部經典作品:《河流》(1997)、《與神對話》(2001)、《你的臉》(2019)、《日子》 (2020)、《月亮 樹》 (2021)。

「顯然我的作品是比較日記式的。記錄我自己心情的轉變,每十年有一些心情、感受和體認,它們逐漸就產生每一部作品。我的作品不是類型故事之類的電影,他們都很自我。一路做下來,中間我覺得有一個轉捩點,是拍《不散》的時候。」—— 取自 蔡導與 Vogue Taiwn 專訪 |文 Nicole Lee



Features and Shorts 長片與短片系列(34部片)


Walker Series「行者」系列(11部 + 受法國龐比度中心委約的短片《身在何處》)



  1. 【關鍵專訪】《無所住》導演蔡明亮(上):《行者》系列像救命繩,我想拍純粹的影像--只有走 (2024) TNL The News Lens 關鍵評論網.

  2. Lee, Nicole. "Tsai Ming-liang: A Conversation About His Work and Life." Vogue Taiwan, 2024,

  3. "Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art: Tsai Ming-liang." QAGOMA, Queensland Art Gallery & Gallery of Modern Art,

GAGOMA - Tsai Ming Liang
Unoffical Promotional Image


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