Happy Holiday Season !! Can't believe it's only few days away until the end of 2018, which also means it's actually not far from Taiwan Film Festival 2019 (Yeah).
If you are in Brisbane or Queensland, you are in for a treat. Queensland Art Gallery of Modern Art (QAGOMA) has put on 'Contemporary Mellow Dramas' film series from across East Asia including Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Lots of amazing selections include Microhabitat (South Korea), The Long Excuse (Japan), and Xiao Mei (Taiwan). And the best part is, they are all free! Imagine watching Xiao Mei's stunning cinematography on the big screen. Highly recommended!
Find out the full program at Queensland Art Gallery of Modern Art.
剩不到幾天,2018就要結束了。在此先祝大家有個美好的假期,期待在2019 再次看到大家來參加《雪梨台灣影展》喔!
昆士蘭當代美術館將播放一系列的現代亞洲劇情電影 『Contemporary Mellow Dramas』,包含了來自韓國的《小公主 Microhabitat》、日本的《漫長的藉口 The Long Excuse》和台灣的《小美 Xiao Mei》。更好的是,所有的放映都是免費參加喔!

Xiao Mei (2018) directed by Maren Hwang has a compelling team behind it includes Hsin-Yao Huang (The Great Buddha+) as the offscreen narrator, Nagao Nakashima (The Great Buddha+) as the cinematographer, and Saburo Liu as the film focus puller (Outstanding Taiwanese Filmmaker of The Year at 2018 TGHFF). This mysterious and unique film uses every piece of elements as a puzzle to uncover who is Xiao Mei.
"This is a feature that lets every frame add potent texture to its central story" - Sarah Ward, ScreenDaily.
「《小美》的敘事方式在臺灣電影文類別樹一格。它將主角小美架空,透過9位人物的偽紀錄片訪談,串連觀眾的想像。這段訪談更不是塑造記者角色進行採訪,這名畫面外的發問者正是銀幕前的觀眾。」- 關鍵評論
Xiao Mei:
- Official Selection at 2018 Berlin International Film Festival
- Opening Night Film at 2018 Hong Kong International Film Festival
- Nominated for Best Cinematography, Best Original Film Score, and Best Original Film Song at 2018 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival
★ 20188 金馬獎最佳攝影、原創音樂、原創歌曲3項大獎提名!
★ 2018 台北電影獎最佳攝影獎!
★ 榮獲法國史特拉斯堡奇幻影展評審團大獎!
★ 第68屆柏林影展「世界電影大觀」單元入選片!
★ 第42屆香港國際電影節開幕片!
★ 2018年日本福岡電影節入選片!
「影像配樂不一定是要在最完美狀態,它呈現是跟著畫面、故事、角色,以及電影內的聲音,而不是獨立存在,所有事情在電影中都是同時在發生的。一個好的作品中,所有細節彼此是調和的,有時候退一點、醜陋一點,反而在作品完整度是好的。」- 加點音樂誌