The 61st Golden Horse Awards are here! Check out the full list of winners along with some additional insights to help you get to know each of them a little better!

《一部未完成的電影》An Unfinished Film
最佳劇情片 Best Narrative Feature
最佳導演 Best Director — 婁燁 Lou Ye
「2020年初,一個電影攝製組在武漢附近重聚,準備繼續拍攝一部十年前未完成的影片,但是隨著各地進入封城狀態,全攝製組不得不共同面對意想不到的挑戰。導演曉睿必須要決定是不是再次中斷拍攝。」—— 2024 金馬影展
"In early 2020, a film crew reunited near Wuhan to resume shooting a film left unfinished a decade ago. However, as lockdowns were enforced across various regions, the entire crew found themselves confronting unexpected challenges. Director Lou Ye had to decide whether to halt production once again." — 2024 Golden Horse Film Festival
《由島至島》From Island to Island
最佳紀錄片 Best Documentary Feature — 廖克發 Lau Kek-huat
最佳音效 Best Sound Effects — 陳奕伶 Chen Yi-ling、黃年永 Eddie Huang、澎葉生 Yannick Dauby
Director Lau Kek-Huat, known for The Tree Remembers and Boluomi, won acclaim with his latest documentary, FROM ISLAND TO ISLAND (2024), which earned Best Documentary and the Taipei Film Awards at the 2024 Taipei Film Festival. This time, the team has taken home both Best Documentary and Best Sound Effects at the Golden Horse Awards.

《漂亮朋友》Bel Ami
最佳剪輯 Best Film Editing — 陳合平 Chen Hopin
最佳攝影 Best Cinematography — 王維華 Wang Weihua
最佳男主角 Best Leading Actor — 張志勇 Zhang Zhiyong
BEL AMI (2024), directed by Geng Jun, won Best Leading Actor, Best Cinematography and Best Film Editing at the Golden Horse Awards. Editor Chen Hoping, known for his work on films like Wet Season (2019), had also collaborated on a script with the legendary Edward Yang earlier in his career.
Cinematographer Wang Wei-hua's previous work, Return to Dust (2022), was featured at prestigious festivals such as the Berlin International Film Festival, Sydney Film Festival, and Melbourne International Film Festival, among others. This marks his first win for Best Cinematography at the Golden Horse Awards.

《鬼才之道》Dead Talents Society
最佳造型設計 Best Makeup & Costume Design — 施筱柔 Lore Shih
最佳美術設計 Best Art Direction – 王誌成 Wang Chih-cheng, 梁碩麟 Liang Shuo-lin
最佳動作設計 Best Action Choreography — 黃泰維 Teddy Ray Huang
最佳視覺效果 Best Visual Effects — 郭憲聰 Tomi Kuo, 邱俊毅 Chiu Chun-yi
最佳原創電影歌曲 Best Original Film Song:〈鬼才出道〉作詞人 "Dead Talents Society" from Dead Talents Society :陳虹任 Chen Hong-ren/作曲人 Lyricist、王若琳 Joanna Wang / 曲與唱 Composer and Singer
DEAD TALENTS SOCIETY (2024), directed by John Hsu, has received multiple international awards and has now won Best Visual Effecdts (Tomi Kuo, Chiu Chun-yi), Best Art Direction (Wang Chih-cheng, Liang Shuo-lin), Best Makeup & Costume Design (Lore Shih), Best Action Choreography (Teddy Ray Huang) and Best Original Film Song (Chen Hong-ren, Joanna Wang).
Tomi Kuo and Chiu Chun-yi, who previously won Best Visual Effects at the Golden Horse Awards for Detention (2019) and My Missing Valentine (2020), have now secured their third win in this category.
Lore Shih, a four-time nominee in the Best Makeup & Costume Design category in the past, has finally secured her first win.
Wang Chih-cheng, a multiple-time winner of Best Art Direction, previously won for Old Fox (2023) and Detention (2019). Liang Shuo-lin also earned recognition in the same category for The Soul (2021).

最佳原著劇本 Best Original Screenplay
《女兒的女兒》— 黃熙
Daughter's Daughter – Huang Xi
Director Huang Xi’s previous film, Missing Johnny (2017), earned her a nomination for Best New Director and won Best Original Screenplay. This marks her first time winning the Best Original Screenplay award at the Golden Horse.

最佳改編劇本 Best Adapted Screenplay
《沃土》— 王小帥
Above the Dust – Wang Xiaoshuai
Director Wang Xiao-shuai's previous works, including Beijing Bicycle (2001), which won the Silver Bear at the 51st Berlin International Film Festival, and So Long, My Son (2019), have both been screened in Sydney and are now available on Prime Video. A multiple Golden Horse Award nominee, Wang finally clinched the Best Adapted Screenplay award for his latest film, ABOUT THE DUST (2024).

最佳女配角 Best Supporting Actress
《小雁與吳愛麗》— 楊貴媚
Yen and Ai-Lee — Yang Kuei-mei
Following her win with The Moon Also Rises (2004), Yang Kuei-mei takes home another Golden Horse Award after 20 years. This year, she also won Best Actress in a Drama Series at the Golden Bell Awards for her performance in Living (2023).

最佳男配角 Best Supporting Actor
《角頭—大橋頭》— 施名帥
GATAO: Like Father Like Son — Shih Ming-shuai

最佳原創電影音樂 Best Original Film Score
Stranger Eyes – Thomas Foguenne

最佳新導演 Best New Director
《白衣蒼狗》 — 曾威量、尹又巧
Mongrel — Chiang Wei-liang, Yin You-qiao

最佳女主角 Best Leading Actress
鍾雪瑩 — 《看我今天怎麼說》
Chung Suet Ying – The Way We Talk

最佳新演員 Best New Performer
《BIG》— 鄭又菲
BIG — Feifei Cheng

最佳劇情短片 Best Live Action Short Film
《A面:我的一天》— 溫景輝
Side A: A Summer Day – Wan Kin-fai
最佳動畫短片 Best Animated Short Film
《房間裡的你》— 石家俊
Father Figure – Shek Ka-chun
最佳紀錄短片 Best Documentary Short Film
《顏色擷取樣本.mov》— 陳卓斯、王紀堯
Colour Ideology – Chan Cheuk-sze, Kathy Wong
年度臺灣傑出電影工作者 Outstanding Taiwanese Filmmaker of the Year
李錫堅 Li Si-jian
終身成就紀念獎 Lifetime Achievement Award
鄭佩佩 Cheng Pei-pei
林文錦 Lin Wen-chin