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2018 Top 10 Must-See Taiwanese Films 十部必看台灣電影

1. Your Face directed by Ming-liang Tsai《你的臉》蔡明亮

《Your Face 你的臉》

2. An Impossibly Small Object directed by David Verbeek《小玩意》王洪飛

《An Impossibly Small Object 小玩意》

3. Father to Son directed by Ya-Chuan Hsiao《范保德》蕭雅全

《Father to Son 范保德》

4. Sen Sen directed by Bon An《生生》安邦

《Sen Sen 生生》

5. Our Youth in Taiwan 《我們的青春,在台灣》傅榆

Our Youth in Taiwan 《我們的青春,在台灣》

6. Father directed by Li-Chou Yang《紅盒子》楊力州

《Father 紅盒子》

7. More than blue《比悲傷更悲傷的故事》

More than blue《比悲傷更悲傷的故事 》

8. Dear Ex directed by Chih-Yen Hsu and Mag Hsu 《誰先愛上他》許智彥 , 徐譽庭

《Dear Ex 誰先愛上他》

9. Love Talk directed by Ko-Shang Shen《幸福定格》沈可尚

《Love Talk 幸福定格》

10. Xiao Mei directed by Maren Hwang《小美》黃榮昇

《Xiao Mei 小美》


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