1. Your Face directed by Ming-liang Tsai《你的臉》蔡明亮

2. An Impossibly Small Object directed by David Verbeek《小玩意》王洪飛

3. Father to Son directed by Ya-Chuan Hsiao《范保德》蕭雅全

4. Sen Sen directed by Bon An《生生》安邦

5. Our Youth in Taiwan 《我們的青春,在台灣》傅榆

6. Father directed by Li-Chou Yang《紅盒子》楊力州

7. More than blue《比悲傷更悲傷的故事》

8. Dear Ex directed by Chih-Yen Hsu and Mag Hsu 《誰先愛上他》許智彥 , 徐譽庭

9. Love Talk directed by Ko-Shang Shen《幸福定格》沈可尚

10. Xiao Mei directed by Maren Hwang《小美》黃榮昇
