卓庭伍《XX不宜》--- 紀實畫面的串連,讓虛構故事和現實對話。

Cho Ting-Wu, an emerging director, launched her debut short film XXXMOG! The work creatively focuses on the film industry itself, that how a director's ability can seem insignificant until it's awarded at an overseas film festival. Then everything changes for his life, but does it? Director Cho brutally craves into the human's deepest absurdity and adds actual news footage on environmental issues to explore society's ignorance further.
As for the style of XXXMOG!, it's a dash of realism with surrealism, using the filter to create a misty and unfamiliarity to the audiences. This solid visual style has brought the sense of futurist vibes into the work itself, or perhaps apocalypse vibes even more. This is done by Lim Lun-Yin (Ohong Village, TWFF 2019), the cinematographer of this short film.
Directors Cho and Lim grew up in the same region in Taiwan, Taichung Fengyuan. She likes the mysterious style from Director Lim's work; their collaboration has brought this short film with innovative angles and thought-provoking storytelling.
Cho said the fictional part of the story is some sort of self-deprecating. While studying abroad, she often felt powerless when seeing the turmoil experienced in her hometown, which led to the feeling that "she has done any to contribute to society." Cho comments: "Looking at other people's works, I always wondered, do they deserved the awards? Can their work really bring any changes or value to the world?"
After returning to Taiwan, Cho decided to shoot a film to represent this mentality. It shows an attitude of greed for petty gains, refusal of taking responsibility and seeking redemptions. The mentality seems ordinary, but it may accumulate and expand to cause real damage. Cho believes human nature is intertwined with the grass-rooted structural problem of society, but she is optimistic that it is not impossible to change it.

Many environmental issues and images are actual events from the Linyuan Incident, Taiwan's highest compensation of ecological pollution case in the 1980s. Director Cho uses these references to reflect Kaohsiung's current air pollution problems, a severe warning that compensation is not a solution. If we don't take it seriously, we will have unrepairable consequences in the future, just like in the film.
XXXMOG! will be streaming on demand at Taiwan Film Festival in Australia from 16-30 September.
《XX不宜》將於 9 月 16 日至 30 日在線上放映。