It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Show
Director Nien-Tsu Hsieh 謝念祖 | 2019 | 96 mins | All Ageswith English and Mandarin subtitles 含中英文字幕
Brilliant, quirky, and fun. Adapted from the successful comedy theatre production Crazy TV, this is a hilarious trip through the darker side of Taiwanese television. Crazy TV program director Yeh and his mate Abi are struggling to keep their television shows on air and resort to ever-more outlandish stunts. Things only get worse when station boss Mr Lo tries to sell the company to a mafia gang leader. Director Nien Tsu Hsieh offers a scathing satire of the cut-throat business of commercial TV, with a nod to Stanley Kramer’s 1963 cult comedy, It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad world. 改編熱門
舞台劇—瘋狂電視台,導演謝念祖重現多部經典電視節目:五燈獎、康熙來了和全民大悶鍋等,並由歐漢聲、林明禎、卓文萱和納豆等人瘋狂演出,描述了影視幕後的辛酸與淚水。熱愛電視節目製作的小葉(歐漢聲 飾)被升任節目總監,與搭檔阿比(劉冠廷 飾)和少女Diva(林明禎 飾),在最困難的情況下,製作出令人意外的各種瘋狂節目。但總經理羅總(納豆劉冠廷 飾)與David哥(顏正國 飾)暗中勾結,無論如何都想搞垮這三人的心血。他們究竟是否能繼續朝著夢想前進?還是面臨著裁員與金錢壓力,逼迫走上其他人生道路呢?
screens with Golden Horse Film Academy short film Upstairs, Downstairs -《對講機》
Mentor: Hsiu-chiung Chiang 姜秀瓊FA Talents: Fang Liang, Li-Ying Song, Shih-Ching Lin, HU Chen, Griffith Chin, Siew-Hong Leong, Thim-Kian Cheng學員:方亮(中)、宋麗穎(中)、 林世菁(台)、胡晨(中)、秦廷宇(台)、 梁秀紅(馬)、程添健(馬)Cast:Chen-Ling Wen 温貞菱、Teng-Hung Hsia 夏騰宏
With a broken intercom in the apartment, Zhen-Zhen goes to the neighbours one by one to collect the money for repair. Not getting any responses in some of the apartments, she starts to get curious about what's happening behind the doors.