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The River


Director Ming-Liang Tsai 蔡明亮 | 1997 | 114 mins | UNCL 18+with English and Mandarin subtitles 含中英文字幕


1997 Berlin International Film Festival - Special Jury Prize 柏林影展 - 評審團大獎

1997 Chicago International Film Festival - Silver Hugo Jury Award 芝加哥影展 - 評審團獎銀雨果獎​

This award-winning masterpiece by director Ming-Liang Tsai is set in a rapidly modernizing Taipei. The film portrays the brutal isolation and seething desire of Xiao-Kang and his parents. While the father frequents gay saunas, the mother has her own play thing. As they drift apart, their lives are afflicted by mysterious illness and flooding water.  Without a soundtrack or significant dialogue, each scene resonates with rich symbolism. 

經典重現,導演蔡明亮的第三部作品《河流》此片曾於柏林影展中獲得評審團大獎-銀熊獎。運用水與都市的交替,表現出都市家庭核心的孤獨與壓抑。一家三口住在同屋簷下,但卻各有各的生活與秘密。父親(苗天 飾)時常跑同志三溫暖、母親(陸筱琳 飾)茶樓的電梯小姐,兒子小康(李康生 飾)突如其來的怪病,卻沒因此成為家庭關係建立的橋樑。父親房間的漏水問題,也同小康的病逝,越來越嚴重。各自不可揭曉的秘密,是否壓迫著這整個家庭的健康?



screens with Golden Horse Film Academy short film Fish Tank - 《魚缸》

Mentor: Chung Lee 李中 FA Talents: Kean-Wah Chan, Kai-Ling Fu, Yu-Yu Huang, Chieh Yang, Garvin Chan, Jun-Chun Pan, Andy Cheng, Ya-Chih Cheng​學員:曾健華(馬)、傅凱羚(台)、黃語宥(台)、楊婕(台)、詹嘉文(台)、潘駿春(中)、鄭安群(台)、鄭雅之(台)​Cast:Chiung-Hsuan Hsieh 謝瓊煖、Ya-Chun Liao 廖雅珺、Louis Lu 魯文學、Ming-Yu Chou 周明宇

The Family decided to reunite for one last time before the daughter moves away to overseas for work. But the father unexpectedly brings his new partner alone to the party. ​ 


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