Director Albert Ventura 文二北投 | 2020 | 43 mins | UNCL 18+
Awards 獎項
2021 Barcelona Asian Summer Film Festival
2021 Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival - Grand Prize for Vortex Sci-Fi & Fantasy Award
第25屆羅德島國際電影節 - 榮獲科幻與奇幻大獎
Albert Ventura born in Barcelona, graduated with a PhD in Biology at the University of Tokyo, and is now a Taiwan-based filmmaker. Ventura‘s short film Iphigenia's Night won Best Short Film at Taiwan Film Festival in Australia in 2018. Since then, he has worked with Taiwan Public Television Service for various productions.
Yu is forced to flee after being persecuted by the authorities. To hide from the authorities, she looks towards Lien, a mysterious plastic surgeon who might help alter her appearance. However, Yu can't help falling victim to Lien's charisma and gets trapped in the hallucinatory world of Lien's many-hued, bewildering drugs. The relationship between two wounded, repressed critters seems to catch fire...
在不久將來,台灣已淪為極權國家的佔領區。余(韓寧 飾)被新政權指控隱瞞叛軍所在地後展開逃亡。被追捕的當下,僅存的逃生方式,就是找到願意幫助她整容並協助逃脫的神祕女孩蓮(余佩真 飾)。但跟蓮相遇後,余卻因為蓮不可思議的能力和迷人的個性不可自拔,陷入了一個難以區分虛實的奇幻世界......。