Man In Love
Director Yin Chen Hao 殷振豪 | 2021 | 105 mins | UNCL 15+
Awards 獎項
2021 Taipei Film Festival - Nominated for Best Narrative Feature, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Best Editing, Best Makeup & Costume Design
第23屆台北電影節 - 入圍最佳劇情長片、最佳導演、最佳男主角、最佳女主角、最佳女配角、最佳剪輯、最佳造型設計
2021 Far East Film Festival
第23屆 義大利烏迪內遠東國際影展
Director Yin's debut feature film was adapted from the same-titled Korean film in 2014. Starring award-winning casts Roy Chiu (Dear Ex) and Hsu Wei-Ning (The Tag-Along 2, TWFF 2018), this romantic drama achieved over US$14 million box office revenue in Taiwan.
A-Cheng is a debt collector who would do anything to get the job done. While he was on a job, he fell in love at first sight with Hao-Ting, the daughter of a debtor. He comes up with an agreement to get her to go on dates with him instead of paying for the debt. Will Hao-Ting ever really fall in love with A-Cheng?
為了完成工作不計一切代價的討債流氓阿成(邱澤 飾)。在一次討債過程中遇見了債主的女兒浩婷(許瑋甯 飾),一見鐘情的他想透過「塗鴉合約」,透過約會來換取債務。這段戀情究竟是否有機會發展成阿誠所期望的嗎?