My Missing Valentine
Director Chen Yu-Hsun 陳玉勳 | 2020 | 116 mins | UNCL G
Awards 獎項
2020 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival - Best Narrative Feature, Best Director, Best Original Screenplay, Best Visual Effects, Best Film Editing
第57屆金馬獎 - 最佳劇情長片、最佳導演、最佳原著劇本、最佳視覺效果、最佳剪輯
2020 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival - Nominated for Best Leading Actress, Best Leading Actor, Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction, Best Sound Effects, Best Original Film Song
第57屆金馬獎 - 入圍最佳女主角、最佳男主角、最佳攝影、最佳美術設計、最佳原創電影歌曲、最佳音效
2020 Busan International Film Festival - Open Cinema
第25屆釜山國際影展 - Open Cinema 單元
2021 Udine Far East Film Festival - Black Dragon Critics Awards, Mulberry Audience Awards 3rd Place
第23屆義大利烏迪內遠東國際影展 - 黑龍影評獎、觀眾票選第三名
2021 Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival - New Cinema from Asia
第20屆瑞士納沙泰爾國際奇幻影展 - 亞洲競賽單元
My Missing Valentine received multiple prestigious awards, including Best Director at Golden Horse Film Festival and Black Dragon Critics Award at Udine Far East Film Festival; Director Chen creatively uses humour and romance to shine a spotlight on the lives of ordinary people.
Hsiao-Chi, a postal service worker, is always literally one step ahead of everyone. She desperately wants to go on a date on Valentine’s Day but only to wake up with the day vanished. As she tries to trace back the day she lost, she is bewildered to discover that her life intertwines with A-Tai——a bus driver who is always literally one step behind everyone.
在郵局工作的小淇(李霈瑜 飾),生活步調永遠都快別人一拍。原本期待和曖昧對象在情人節約會,醒來卻發現不明不白睡過了一整天情人節。試著調查離奇現象,小淇漸漸發現這一切和另一個人扯上關係——人生永遠慢人一拍的公車司機阿泰(劉冠廷 飾)。
Filmmaker in Focus: Chen Yu-Hsun 焦點影人|陳玉勳
Born in 1962, Chen Yu-Hsun started working as an intern for Wang Shau-Di’s studio and discovered his passion for using moving images as a tool for storytelling. Chen continued to work as a scriptwriter for various TV series before developing his first feature, Tropical Fish (1994) which enjoyed a successful international festival tour. His attention to detail and awareness of surroundings has made it successful to expand his creativity into the advertising industry. With hilarious, creative, and memorable works throughout his career, Director Chen skillfully adds satire into his scripts to spotlight the voiceless or perhaps the forgotten people.