Zone Pro Site: The Moveable Feast
Director Chen Yu-Hsun 陳玉勳 | 2013 | 145 mins | UNCL G
Awards 獎項
2014 Berlin International Film Festival - Culinary Cinema
第64屆柏林國際影展 - 美食電影
2013 Busan International Film Festival - Open Cinema
第18屆釜山國際影展 - 入選Open Cinema單元國際首映
2013 Tokyo International Film Festival - World Focus
第26屆東京國際影展 - 熱選世界焦點單元
2014 Taipei Film Awards - Best Art Direction Award & Best Supporting Actress Award
第16屆台北電影獎 - 最佳美術獎、最佳女配角獎
2014 New York Asian Film Festival - Audience Award
第13屆紐約亞洲影展 - 觀眾票選獎
A heartwarming comedy portrays the beauty of food in its diverse forms, purposes, and meanings that connect generations of people. Zone Pro Site, is the Taiwanese status of a catering chef for an outdoor (roadside) banquet, equivalent to a legendary master chef, and often takes part at weddings, birthdays, Lunar New Year, and other cultural events.
Wan is the daughter of the late chef Master Fly Spirit, one of 'the Big Three', who dominated the catering business. When Wan was tricked by her ex-boyfriend into a scam, her only way out of the debt is to learn her father's recipes to win the prize from the banquet competition.
台灣辦桌界有三大傳奇「總舖師」,分別為北部憨人師(吳念真 飾)、中部鬼頭師(喜翔 飾),以及南部蒼蠅師(柯一正 飾),被鄉民封為「人、鬼、神」三巨頭。隨著時代變動,辦桌文化勢微,蒼蠅師想將家傳手藝傳承給獨生女詹小婉(夏于喬 飾),無奈小婉志不在此。然而一場意外讓懷抱著明星夢的小婉,誤打誤撞加入了辦桌比賽,一肩扛起著父親的使命......。
Filmmaker in Focus: Chen Yu-Hsun 焦點影人|陳玉勳
Born in 1962, Chen Yu-Hsun started working as an intern for Wang Shau-Di’s studio and discovered his passion for using moving images as a tool for storytelling. Chen continued to work as a scriptwriter for various TV series before developing his first feature, Tropical Fish (1994) which enjoyed a successful international festival tour. His attention to detail and awareness of surroundings has made it successful to expand his creativity into the advertising industry. With hilarious, creative, and memorable works throughout his career, Director Chen skillfully adds satire into his scripts to spotlight the voiceless or perhaps the forgotten people.